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Recommended System Requirements for Using Assured
Recommended System Requirements for Using Assured

What is the recommended system environment for using Assured?

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対応者:事務局(Customer Support)

At Assured, we recommend the following system environment:

OS and Browsers


  • OS: Latest version

  • Web Browsers: Latest version of Edge, Google Chrome, and Firefox

  • Screen Resolution: 1200px (width) x 900px (height) or higher

Note: As of August 2021, we no longer support Internet Explorer and the legacy version of Edge due to Microsoft discontinuing their support.

Read more about the end of support for Internet Explorer 11 and the legacy version of Microsoft Edge on Windows 10 here: Microsoft 365 Apps End of Support for Internet Explorer 11


  • OS: Latest version

  • Web Browsers: Latest version of Google Chrome, Safari, and Firefox

  • Screen Resolution: 1200px (width) x 900px (height) or higher

Browser Settings

  • Ensure that browser storage (IndexedDB) is enabled.

  • Third-party cookies should be allowed.


When using Assured, the following domains will be accessed from the user's environment. Please verify that your network settings allow communication with these domains:

  • assured.jp

  • c.assured.jp

  • p.assured.jp

  • lc.assured.jp

  • ls.assured.jp

  • auth.assured.jp

  • gcp-pooh-prd.firebaseapp.com

  • identitytoolkit.googleapis.com

  • fonts.gstatic.com

  • api-iam.intercom.io

  • widget.intercom.io

  • js.intercomcdn.com

  • nexus-websocket-a.intercom.io

  • o426377.ingest.sentry.io

Important for Users in China:

If you are located in China, where the Great Firewall is active, certain Google platform API endpoints such as www.googleapis.com, identitytoolkit.googleapis.com, and www.recaptcha.net in the above list may be blocked. Please ensure that the above endpoints are accessible in your network to complete the login process.

We recommend using a PC for optimal performance. Browsing from smartphones and tablets is not guaranteed to function correctly. Even in a recommended environment, issues caused by specific network settings, browser plugins, or hardware are not covered by our support.
