Complete the security assessment (For the 1st time)
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対応者:事務局(Customer Support)

This page will guide you through the process of registering as a user as a provider company (cloud service provider) on Assured and completing the security assessment.

1. Check your security assessment request email

If there is a security assessment request for your service, Assured will send a request email to the email address you have provided.

Please check the email from noreply@assured.jp and click on the registration URL in the email.

2. Confirm the information of the request and start answering

After user registration is complete, you will be automatically signed in and redirected to the assessment request details screen.

Please check the details of your request and click "Start Answering."

3. Answering Assessment Checklist

Please answer all the items on the checklist (questionnaire) for the assessment.

💡 Check "Tips for Completing Security Assessment" for a better score.

Please feel free to use our word help if you are unsure about the word's definition.

You can leave some notes for a question. The note is only for internal use and will not be shared with the requester or the person/company with that you have shared it.

4. Request a review of the checklist responses.

Your answers will be reviewed by the Assured office and then submitted to the requested user company.

Once you have answered all the questions, please click on the "Request Review" button in the upper left corner of the side menu.

A review request confirmation modal window will appear. Please check the details of your submission and click "Request Review" to request a review of your response.

5. Wait for confirmation of the response.

While reviewing responses, the status on the assessment request details screen will change to "Confirming."

💡 Please note that you may be asked to revise your answer.

If there are any inaccuracies in the response, we will contact you by e-mail. At this time, the status of the assessment will be "replying.

If you need to make any corrections, please submit your response again after correcting the items noted in the response screen.

6. Security assessment is complete!

The security assessment is completed once the Assured Office has confirmed the answers. When the assessment is completed, the user will receive an email for the completion of the assessment.

Thank you very much for your cooperation in completing the assessment.
