What does "Condition Applies" mean?

The article describes the questions in Assured assessment with "Condition Applies"

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This article will explain the "Condition Applies" questions in Assured assessment.

"Condition Applies"

Within the selective questions of the Assured assessment, you now have the option to select "Condition Applies."

Previously, we used to ask providers to note in the comments section about security measures that are effective only for specific usage plans or optional features. However, provider companies will be able to provide clear answers regarding the availability and conditions of such measures now.

Furthermore, when answered by provider companies, this will be incorporated into user company responses as "conditional responses."

"Conditional responses" will be indicated by a "△" symbol on the response details screen like below. Specific conditions for applicability will be provided in the comments section.

Displaying Security Assessment Scores with "Conditional Responses"

When "conditional responses" are involved, the security assessment scores will differ between the user company's screen and the provider company's screen.

User Company's displaying

Screen By default, the score displayed is based on not including "conditional responses" in the calculation.

However, you can recalculate the score based on the options that apply to you by clicking the "Re-Evaluate Conditional Questions" and selecting the conditions that apply to you.

Provider Compay's displaying

If the score varies due to "conditional responses," it will be displayed in the format of "〇〇〜" to indicate the range of possible scores.

【For Provider Companies】

We have prepared the following help guide specifically for provider companies. Please take a look for more details.

The options that provide "Condition Applies" are applicable to the following specific questions:
